The beginning of a new era for online brand protection
What is GlobalBlock?
GlobalBlock, the world’s leading unified domain blocking service introduced by the Brand Safety Alliance, marks a significant leap forward in the realm of online brand protection. This innovative solution offers comprehensive coverage for brands, eliminating the need to subscribe to multiple domain blocking programs.
In addition to the traditional registered trademark eligibility requirements, GlobalBlock also accommodates unregistered trademarks, company or organization names, and even celebrity names. This inclusivity broadens the scope of protection and makes it more accessible to a wider range of entities.
GlobalBlock consolidates brand protection under one umbrella, simplifying the process and reducing the administrative burden for brands. It instantly blocks all available names that match your brand across not just a few, but over 600+ global domain extensions simultaneously, providing an unprecedented level of protection. This level of extensive protection, previously achievable only through subscribing to multiple domain blocking programs, is now conveniently available through GlobalBlock.
GlobalBlock is available in two distinct product types, each designed to provide a different level of protection for brand owners.

Instant exact match coverage across hundreds of domain name extensions available across the industry.
- • mybrand.<All GlobalBlock TLDs>

Increased protection that additionally blocks a select range of look-alike variations that are often used in online scams.
- • mybrand.<All GlobalBlock TLDs>
- • mbrand.<All GlobalBlock TLDs>
- • myrand.<All GlobalBlock TLDs>
- • myband.<All GlobalBlock TLDs>
- • mybrnd.<All GlobalBlock TLDs>
- • mybrad.<All GlobalBlock TLDs>
- • mybran.<All GlobalBlock TLDs>
- • mmybrand.<All GlobalBlock TLDs>
- • myybrand.<All GlobalBlock TLDs>
- • mybbrand.<All GlobalBlock TLDs>
- • mybrrand.<All GlobalBlock TLDs>
- • mybraand.<All GlobalBlock TLDs>
- • mybrannd.<All GlobalBlock TLDs>
- • mybrandd.<All GlobalBlock TLDs>
- • ymbrand.<All GlobalBlock TLDs>
- • mbyrand.<All GlobalBlock TLDs>
- • myrband.<All GlobalBlock TLDs>
- • mybarn.<All GlobalBlock TLDs>
GlobalBlock | GlobalBlock+ | |
Direct blocking across all GlobalBlock TLDs | ||
Premium domain name blocking | ||
Priority AutoCatch | ||
Domain Unblock | ||
Unlimited blocking of main labels | ||
Blocking of homoglyph confusable characters |
Key Features
Global Coverage
Bringing together registries and TLD operators, GlobalBlock coverage is not limited to one provider and aims to include all available TLDs. With 600+ domain extensions from all over the world, including Legacy gTLDs, New gTLDs, ccTLDs and other various extensions, TLDs will continually be added in batches every 6 months.
Direct Protection
GlobalBlock’s sophisticated technology connects directly to all participating registries in parallel and applies block protection in real-time with no further requirements to be met by the registrant. This eliminates the need to register individual domains and renew them year after year.
Cost Reduction
Compared to individual registrations, blocking represents significant cost benefits and unlike domain registration, there’s no need to maintain each individual domain. GlobalBlock is the ultimate domain portfolio optimization tool – allowing brands to block domains that were previously too expensive to register, difficult to register, of a lower risk profile or not registered due to internal budget limitations.
Priority AutoCatch
GlobalBlock’s blocking technology continues to work in the background beyond the initial order and will catch any domain that could not be blocked the very moment it becomes available. If these previous unavailable names are not renewed, Priority AutoCatch seizes them at the registry level and automatically adds them to the customer’s account before they are released to the public, at no extra charge.
Domain Unblocking
Want to use a domain for a specific campaign or promotion? With GlobalBlock you have the freedom to move domains in and out of your block whenever you wish. This service is provided free of charge, however registration fees for the names apply as usual.
Customer Eligibility
GlobalBlock is open to:
Registered Trademark
An active nationally or regionally registered trademark.
Acceptable Documentation Examples
- Certified Copy of trademark registration
- Screenshot of online record of Intellectual Property body database
Company or Organization Name
Registered companies & Trading As names.
Acceptable Documentation Examples
- Copy of registration documentation
- Articles of incorporations/association
- Invoice/Bills
Unregistered Trademark
A mark created by a business or individual to signify or distinguish a product or service.
Acceptable Documentation Examples
- Articles of incorporation/association
- Dated advertising and marketing materials
- Dated photographs
Celebrity Name
Famous persons, sports stars and personalities, political figures, actors, social media celebrities and public figures.
Acceptable Documentation Examples
- Links to websites, social media
- Registered trademark number
- Proof of status
IP Rights (IPR) Numbers
All customers must have a valid IPR number prior to order submission and a Rights Check function is available to determine if a Right has already been verified. IPR numbers may result from:
Option 1 – Pre-Verified Rights
An IPR will automatically be provided by the BSA for any customer whose rights have previously been verified through:
- AdultBlock
- dotXXX Sunrise B (SRB) Registration
Option 2 – New Rights Verification
Customers that have not previously been verified must submit their legal rights for verification by a third-party Verification Agent that the BSA will provide. This may take up to 1 week but is provided free of charge to all customers.
The Verification Agent will allow up to 3 attempts to rectify and resubmit documentation to satisfy the eligibility criteria and will provide reasons for any refusal based on the evidence provided.
Duplicate/Identical Marks
Unlike first-come, first-served domain registrations, a GlobalBlock for an identical brand can be owned by two or more parties simultaneously (ie. Two or more IPR numbers for the same brand/label can exist.).
This is designed to accommodate variations in legal rights that exist due to different countries, classes or jurisdictions, and to ensure that brand owners can be responsible for protecting their own legal rights. However, where multiple GlobalBlocks exist for the same brand, Domain Unblocking can only occur with the express approval of all relevant GlobalBlock owners.
Frequently Asked Questions
A list of all participating TLDs is available here.
Organizations and individuals that satisfy the eligibility criteria listed in the Eligibility Policy here.
A BSA IPR may be issued to rights holders whose rights have previously been verified through the following mechanisms:
- AdultBlock
- dotXXX Sunrise B (SRB) Registration
A BSA IPR is the Intellectual Property Rights or IPR number assigned within the BSA Gateway to a verified right. It is required for all orders for GlobalBlock Services. The BSA IPR is issued by the Verification Agent.
The BSA employs a third party to assess rights for those who do not currently have a BSA IPR. Eligible Rights Owners will supply an Accredited Agent (account manager) with supporting documentation that we submit to the BSA and the Verification Agent undertakes the assessment. Once the assessment is completed, the BSA IPR number will be generated and passed along to the appropriate account manager to complete the GlobalBlock service order.
These are agents that are authorized by the BSA to sell GlobalBlock services. This would be your Webnames Corporate account manager.
The following documentation may be provided in support of the verification application:
- Certified copy of trademark registration
- Screenshot of online record on Intellectual Property body database
- Documentary evidence confirming (e.g. certificate of authorization) that the applicant is an authorized representative of the registered owner of the trademark
- International treaty between or among national governments giving rights in the requested label (for marks protected by statute or treaty)
For geographical indicators, documentation must show that it:
- Is nationally or regionally registered;
- Is registered by the Lisbon Agreement for the Protection of Appellations of Origin and their International Registration; or
- Has been validated through court proceedings
The following documentation may be provided in support of the verification application:
- Dated advertising and marketing materials (e.g. brochures, pamphlets, catalogues, product manuals, displays or signage, press releases, social media marketing materials etc.)
- Links to websites, screenshots from websites
- Headed and dated stationary, receipts, invoices
- Dated photographs or scans of product labels, storefronts, billboards
- Articles of Incorporation/Articles of Association
The following documentation may be provided in support of the verification application:
- Invoices
- Bills
- Articles of Incorporation/Articles of Association
- Screenshots of website – URL and business name must be visible
- Company letterhead, promotional items, invoices from and to the company
- Ownership details
- Copy of registration documentation for registered companies (or a company registration number)
The following documentation may be provided in support of the verification application:
- Links to websites, social media or screen shots from websites or social media relating to sale or advertisement
- Registered trademark number if one exists
- Proof of status (e.g. IMDB, poster of movie of TV show, leaflets showing their name associated with a show, team roster, advert with their name on it, actors registration number (US and Europe)
- Political part lists
- Pamphlets
- Listing on a government page (provide the link to the page)
Your Webnames Corporate account manager will be able to check if an application is likely to be successful based on the evidence provided. Please contact your account manager for more information.
Law firms and trademark representatives should initially contact a Webnames Corporate account manager to get the process started.
You can still use your eligible AdultBlock, DPML, MPML or dotXXX SRB verification and our account managers will be able to retrieve your IPR number through the BSA Gateway.
Rights holders who have a valid Signed Mark Data (SMD) file issued by the Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH) will not require a BSA IPR to be issued.
The Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH) is a database of validated and registered trademarks established by ICANN to prevent infringement behaviour in the domain name system. You can find out more about our TMCH services here.
You can contact one of our account managers in the form above to obtain a list of your registered marks in the TMCH database.
The BSA will check the validity of the SMD file from time to time during the term of your GlobalBlock service. Registrants are responsible for ensuring that SMD files remain valid. This is something that your Webnames Corporate account manager can assist you with.
The BSA Gateway is the platform used to provide GlobalBlock services. It allows for orders to be placed by our account managers, as well as uploading documentation for rights verification, searching for IPR numbers, reading/editing/transferring/deleting customer orders, and running reports.
No, only domain names currently available will be blocked by GlobalBlock, however, GlobalBlock will place a priority auto-catch on domain names not available at the time the block is placed.
This is a mechanism in place that will catch a domain name the instant it becomes available once the redemption period has ended. The label will be added to your GlobalBlock for the remainder of the block registration service period.
Once your purchase a GlobalBlock, any domain name currently registered will remain active until you either delete it or decide not to renew. Once the domain name is deleted, it will automatically be included in your GlobalBlock.
Yes, domains may be activated and moved in and out of the block at any time. Please contact your Webnames Corporate account manager to unblock a domain for registration. Registration fees apply.
Yes, GlobalBlock will block all eligible premium domain names.
There are 4 types of rights that can be used:
- Registered trademark, including:
- Geographical indicators
- Marks protected by statute or treaty
- Unregistered trademark
- Company or organization name
- Celebrity name
Only the following rights holders can apply for the GlobalBlock service. Those are rights holders who have a:
- BSA IPR issued by a Validation Agent
- Rights verified through other Rights Verification Mechanisms
- Valid Signed Mark Data (SMD)
It is possible for multiple parties to hold matching verified rights (e.g. 2 or more identical marks registered by separate trademark owners that covers distinct goods or services, or that are registered in different jurisdictions.
The existence of a previously verified identical right does not prevent an accredited agent (whether it be your Webnames Corporate account manager or an agent from a different registrar) from verifying a different party’s own interest in a matching right or from submitting an order for GlobalBlock services for that right.
When an order is submitted for a right that is an identical right to one already blocked from a previous order, the list of blocked labels associated with the right becomes locked. Any labels that is blocked by more than one rights holder cannot be unblocked without the consent of all applicable rights holders.
A label is a string of characters consisting of one or more letters, digits, or a hyphen.
A “rights label” is BSA terminology for your rights displayed in their native form. (e.g. The trademark “Test & Validate” shown with spaces and an ampersand.)
A “main label” is BSA terminology for your rights displayed in DNS permissible characters; that is characters that are allowed to form a domain name. (e.g. The main label for the trademark “Example & Name” would be “exampleandname”.)
A “variant label” is variations of a main label that includes easily confusable characters, such as the main label “exampleandname” having the character “e” replaced with the character “3” to form the string “3xampleandnam3”.
These labels are generated using a proprietary digital library, based on a main label, which is modified, replaced, or reordered using characters known to be used in homoglyph attacks, typosquatting and other malicious activity to confuse internet users.
A “verified label” means a string of characters that meets the requirements of the GlobalBlock Eligibility Policy and had been reviewed and approved by a BSA Verification Agent.
The variant generation software is based on Unicode Consortium standards. The service blocks characters available in the applicable TLD. Note: not all TLDs support IDNs and there is no requirement to block a label where IDNs or a particular language is not supported.
Yes, the service will block other confusingly similar characters (e.g. replacing an “L” with a “1” and an “E” with a “3”) and adding duplicate characters to a label.
The number of variants can sometimes run into the thousands, and for this reason the BSA only provides this information to your Webnames Corporate account manager through their gateway. Get in touch with your account manager to get a full report on variants for your marks.
Your Webnames Corporate account manager will be able to run a report through the BSA gateway that details how many domains a rights label could potentially be blocked.
The product is available in 1-, 2- or 3-year periods.
GlobalBlock renewals mirror registration periods with 1-, 2- or 3-year periods, available to the maximum of 3 years.
All blocked labels will include the following message in the WHOIS database:
“This name subscribes to the GlobalBlock / GlobalBlock+ product; therefore, this name is not available for registration.”
Yes, in fact if you transfer your GlobalBlock services from a different company to Webnames Corporate the transfer request will extend the life of your service for an additional year.
Your Webnames Corporate account manager has access to the BSA gateway and will be able to advise you on the status of your application.