Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH) Enrollment
We help ensure that your trademark submissions to TMCH are successful and that your brand is protected.

What is Trademark Clearinghouse
Trademark Clearinghouse is a service established by ICANN to verify the existing trademark information of corporations. Successful completion of this verification process grants mark owners access to the priority registration phases of each new TLD. Enrollment of marks into the TMCH also results in notifications to mark owners should any future infringing TLD registrations be performed by a third-party.
TMCH Ongoing Notifications
If your trademark is successfully enrolled with TMCH, any attempt by a third-party domain registrant to register your trademark as a domain name across 1200+ gTLDs including .COM, .NET, .ORG will trigger an automated email notification. When used in tandem with Brand Protection domain blocks and Domain Monitoring, TMCH can form a powerful trident of tools to defend your marks and terms online.

Get in touch to learn more about TMCH Enrollment.
Our brand protection professionals can pre-validate your TMCH submission to ensure that your application is successful.
TMCH: Prevent Cybersquatting + Receive Priority
Registration for new gTLDs
Streamlined trademark submission
Using our expertise in the domain industry, we pre-validate your TMCH application to ensure it is enrolled successfully and can help expedite the validation process for clients.
Trademark Management for Sunrise Domain Registrations
Webnames Corporate stores your trademark information and SMD files within your account in order to facilitate timely domain registrations during the Sunrise Period.
Ongoing brand protection with exact-match notifications
When your TMCH application is successfully complete, you will automatically be alerted to any infringement attempts for exact matches of your trademarks.
Years of cumulative Brand Protection experience
gTLDs with TMCH Ongoing Notifications
Account management escalation support
10 M
Domain registrations database for monitoring
Benefits of TMCH Enrollment Solutions
Priority registrations during gTLD launch
With each new gTLD launch, Webnames assists you in securing domain names during the Sunrise priority registration phase.
Easy Trademark Management
SMD file storage allows for an efficient approach to securing Sunrise opportunities as well as acting on Protected Marks List and domain block overrides.
Enhanced Monitoring Support
Webnames monitors your brand against infringing registrations after each new gTLD’s launch.
Proactive Trademark Revalidation
Automatic revalidation ensures that your TMCH enrollment is renewed each term for continuous defend your brand in the new gTLDs.

“As one of Canada’s largest independent, full-service investment firms, we rely on Webnames for their expertise in managing our domain portfolio and keeping us appraised of the constant changes in the domain sector that affect our ability to fully protect our online brand. Their service is second to none.”
Resources and Guides
Product Overview
Corporate Domain Management Overview
A comprehensive suite of tools and services to manage your corporate domain portfolio.
Trademark ClearingHouse Primer
An overview of Trademark Clearinghouse and a guide to submitting your marks.
New gTLD Strategy Considerations
Factors to keep in mind to protect your brands on new domain extensions .